Serena D’Alessandro

Jul 29, 20202 min

Hip Problems in HSD/EDS

Updated: 4 days ago

The hip: everyones got two of ‘em. But how do they function? Understanding the anatomy of the hip and all of the things connected to it is important for knowing how you walk and move. A healthy hip consists of a thigh bone (your femur), femoral head, acetabulum, tendons, ligaments, and cartilage. Yes, all of these words are confusing, but as you can see all of these things are connected, and can have a chain reaction on your body from you back down to your knees.

The cartilage that covers the inside of the ball and socket joint in your hips is called a labrum, and is one of the most common places for hip injury in those with EDS/HSD. For those with hypermobility, there is normally increased stress on the hips, and patients will either have an internal or external rotation on the hips, leading to hip impingements or even labral tears 

A labral impingement or tear will make itself known by causing pain in your hip or groin for 5+ weeks that is irritated by prolonged periods of standing, sitting, or walking, hip subluxations/locking or clicking sensations, and stiffness or limited range of motion. 

There have also been connections between hip dysplasia and patients with HSD/EDS. In a study done in 2016, researchers observed 266 adults with hip and knee disorders including 36 with diagnosed dysplasia. In conclusion, they found that a proportion of patients (83.3%) demonstrated hypermobility, most prevalent in dysplasia. The correlation between hypermobility patients and hip dysplasia is thought to be connected to the instability in the sacroiliac joint, which is also connected to the hips! 

In addition, this increased pressure on the hips can cause arthritis, tendonitis, and ligament damage, so it is important to learn how to properly stabilize and utilize your hips! If you are feeling hip discomfort, your doctor will likely take a history of your discomfort, and if applicable, will take X-Rays and MRI’s to confirm a specific diagnosis. 

Conservative treatments for hip injuries, labral tears or impingements, or hips discomfort includes physical therapy, anti inflammatory medication such as aleve or Motrin, or corticosteroid injections. But for more critical cases, surgery may be recommended.

Be sure to consult with your primary care physician or other medical professionals in regards to autonomic dysfunction. This text cannot and should not replace advice from the patient's healthcare professionals. Any person who experiences symptoms or feels that something may be wrong should seek individual professional help for evaluation and/or treatment. This information is for guidance only and is not intended to provide professional medical advice
