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Pamela Mortemore, PT

Resounding Success: Turbosonic shakes up vibration therapy

Updated: Nov 18, 2024

Turbosonic is a whole body vibration device that replicates natural vertical vibration. It improves slow-twitch and fast-twitch muscle fibers by increasing production of human growth hormones, which increases muscle endurance and strength.

Clinical studies show that whole body vibration therapy improves muscle performance by increasing range of motion, flexibility, and relaxation. In addition, the therapy improves bone density and can help treat geriatric diagnoses such as Parkinson's disease and arthritis. Users may also benefit from a shortened recovery period after surgery due to increased circulation, which promotes regeneration of damaged tissue.

We've been using the Turbosonic on patients capable of undergoing this form of treatment. Our physical therapy department reports increased progress treating diagnoses such as chronic joint pain, cervical spine strain, and low-back pain.

Patients with neurological and orthopedic conditions, such as primary neuropathy, imbalance, and migraine headaches have responded the most favorably to the Turbosonic. Those with neuropathy and imbalance have reported a decrease in numbness and tingling in both feet.

Research supports the Turbosonic's ability to increase balance through whole body vibration exercises. Patients with imbalances during gait and activities of daily living have experienced a 70-percent improvement in core strength stability.

Patients being treated for migraine headaches report a decrease in the frequency, intensity, and duration of headaches, as well as positive physiological effects. Current research from Turbosonic documents that whole body vibration increases the release of human growth hormones, serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine.

Turbosonic also gives an edge to orthopedic healing. A motivating factor for incorporating the Turbosonic into our Gyrotonic and Pilates physical therapy practice was to assist core and multiplane muscle strengthening. We can increase muscle strength without risking exercise-related injuries or putting additional loads on joints, ligaments, and tendons. At a low vibration setting, the Turbosonic increases the tone of tendons and ligaments - areas that are hard to train - and strengthens accessory muscles around stabilizing joints.

Vibration therapy continues to have positive effects on muscle tissue. Studies show increased peripheral circulation to the quadriceps and gastrocnemius muscle after 9 minutes of low-frequency (26 Hz) oscillating mechanical vibration. In addition, research on the physiological effects of muscle tissue show alterations in muscle blood volume.

As more research is conducted on sonic vibration therapy, clinicians will understand this modality's power and effects. The future of physical therapy depends on treatment advances. The Turbosonic delivers tomorrow's treatment today.

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