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Writer's pictureMarcia Cristiane Perretto

How to alleviate your Scoliosis symptoms when nothing else seems to help

Updated: May 21

We’ve all been there: we feel like we have tried everything to stop our back pain and nothing seems to work. We become familiar with this new, lower quality of life and believe we can never get better. Whether your scoliosis diagnosis came years ago, or more recently, it is still possible to ease your symptoms and get better!

How to alleviate your Scoliosis symptoms when nothing else seems to help Banner

The Schroth method has helped over 50,000 patients alleviate their pain without unnecessary surgery. It is a three-dimensional exercise program, focusing on the curvature of the patients spine in all three dimensions, contrary to most treatments which only focus on one plane of curvature. This functional approach to treatment uses scoliosis-specific exercises (SSE’s) which have been adapted according to the patient’s individual curve pattern. Schroth therapy aims to prevent an increase in curvature while also preserving and improving your functionality. This type of treatment not only improves functionality, but reduces pain, all without surgery!

Developed by Katharina Schroth, who suffered from moderate scoliosis herself, the Schroth method is a more functional approach to treatment. Schroth was inspired by a balloon, trying to correct her spine curvature by breathing away the deformities, inflating the curves of her body in front of a mirror. She then realized that postural control can only be achieved by changing postural perception. This new form of treatment introduced specific postural correction, correction of breathing patterns, and correction of postural perception. Today, the method aims to help patients regain postural control in everyday activity with specific physiotherapy movements designed for you and your body.

Pilates for Scoliosis utilizes the Schroth method to positively impact scoliosis clients while allowing them to maintain fitness and minimize the destructive forces on your spine. Many Pilates instructors are unaware of the abnormal mechanics the scoliosis spine endures during movement. Instructors of the Schroth method understand scoliosis patients and their pain and work one-on-one with them to modify Pilates exercises, reducing their pain, and keeping them fit! This fun exercise regime is specifically designed for a person as a scoliosis patient and will help them alleviate their scoliosis symptoms.

Many individuals with scoliosis have found Pilates for Scoliosis, utilizing the Schroth method, to be an extremely beneficial part of their treatment. The exercises have allowed patients to maintain and improve their physical fitness while improving their functionality and reducing pain. The one-on-one nature of the Schroth method ensures every patient is given exercises specifically designed for them and their individual situation.

The Schroth method has helped thousands of patients alleviate their scoliosis symptoms, even when nothing else seemed to help.

P.S. If you are interested in trying some Pilates for Scoliosis exercises utilizing the Schroth method on your own, click here to download a free exercise guide, outlining the benefits of the Schroth method with six Schroth exercises you can try at home! If you are ready to take the step and meet with a Schroth trained pilates instructor, give us a call at (561) 366-2435 for a free consultation.

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